This week we will have the NSPS Trig-Star Chairman Jerry Juarez, PLS. Jerry has been the Chairman for 15+ years and will provide us with updates on the new online...
Revisit Our Latest Meetings
This week will continue our open sessions for anyone taking the FS/PS or CST Exams. This Monday we will have Joseph V.R. Paiva PhD, PS, PE presenting on COGO/Traverse...
We continue again this week with our outstanding series of speakers on boundary-related topics! This week we have Knud E. Hermansen, P.L.S., P.E., Ph.D., Esq. presenting...
We continue this week with our outstanding series of speakers on boundary-related topics! This week is David E. Woolley, PLS. David will be presenting on the Standard of...
Boundary presentation on the Rules of Construction:Conflicting title elements, deed interpretation, senior/junior rights, etc.1 Year and 45 sessions later, and with tons...
Presented by Dean D. Exline, PLS – Dean will be presenting on Encroachments on Real Property. So how does the game of soccer correlate to property encroachments...