Tony Cuomo Bio

Mr. Cuomo began surveying in 1974 with his father, Paul Cuomo. Looking back, Tony is pretty sure that his father broke nearly every child labor law on the books at that time. As uncomfortable as that early experience was, it was the bedrock foundation for what has, thus far, been a long and exciting career. Mr. Cuomo’s work experience spans a wide spectrum, having both public sector and private sector experience. Mr. Cuomo has worked at a large, multi-discipline, engineering firm, and has been a sole proprietor of his own business. He served as Survey Project Manager for the boundary and construction of a $55 million dollar destination golf resort in Cabo San Lucas, he has performed numerous lot surveys for private individuals throughout Southern California, and he has performed many, many other types of projects that fall within the above identified spectrum of experience. Currently, Mr. Cuomo is Senior Survey Project Manager at the firm of Johnson-Frank & Associates, Inc.

After achieving California licensure in 1988, he began presenting workshops and seminars with Pacific Land Seminars. Since 1990, Mr. Cuomo has presented on various topics throughout the Western United States, including Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, and California. He has presented at the state conferences for the professional surveying associations in the states of California, Washington and Oregon.

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