NLC conducts every land survey using a three-stage process. Stage I Record Research, Stage II Field Work, and Stage III Analysis and Map/Report Creation. This three-stage process is followed to ensure that our opinions are complete, accurate, and robust. The sub-processes of each Stage may vary depending on the type of survey being conducted.

Stage I Record Research

Record research is key when conducting any type of survey, especially a boundary retracement survey. While most surveyors obtain the vesting deed, and some surveyors follow the chain-of-title beyond the vesting deed, it is not usual for surveyors to do a cursory Stage I, thus missing boundary line agreements, trial court cases, and other important conveyances. Without a thorough Stage I, it is impossible to conduct Stage II or Stage III properly.

In this MM session, Tony discusses how NLC conducts Stage I and some of the key processes that are often overlooked by boundary surveyors.