Scott Bishop Bio

A resident of Pleasant Grove, Utah, Bishop recently completed his second four-year term as a member of the Utah Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Board where he served the last three years as board chair. His service to NCEES includes serving as a member of the Principles and Practice of Surveying Committee and as a chair and vice chair for the Committee on Examinations for Professional Surveyors. He recently served as Western Zone assistant vice chair. Bishop was chair of the NCEES Emerging Engineers and Surveyors Group in 2015–16 and served on the Future of Surveying Task Force in 2014–16. He also served as a consultant for the Surveying Exam Module Task Force and the Committee on Examination Audit. Bishop serves as a Future City competition nationals judge. 

Bishop is licensed in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah and is a certified federal surveyor. He is a principal at Horrocks Engineers and manages its Right of Way Department. Bishop has taught surveying courses at Southern Utah University and Utah Valley University and is currently on the advisory board at both Utah Valley University and Salt Lake Community College.

A graduate of Idaho State University, Bishop received a bachelor’s degree in geomatic technology. Bishop is a member of the Utah Council of Land Surveyors and the National Society of Professional Surveyors.

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