The doctrine of prescription allows a user, having complied with conditions set forth by court or statute, to obtain an easement against the record owner’s wishes. Often...
Author - mentoringadmin
This week we will have the NSPS Trig-Star Chairman Jerry Juarez, PLS. Jerry has been the Chairman for 15+ years and will provide us with updates on the new online...
This week will continue our open sessions for anyone taking the FS/PS or CST Exams. This Monday we will have Joseph V.R. Paiva PhD, PS, PE presenting on COGO/Traverse...
We continue again this week with our outstanding series of speakers on boundary-related topics! This week we have Knud E. Hermansen, P.L.S., P.E., Ph.D., Esq. presenting...
We continue this week with our outstanding series of speakers on boundary-related topics! This week is David E. Woolley, PLS. David will be presenting on the Standard of...
Boundary presentation on the Rules of Construction:Conflicting title elements, deed interpretation, senior/junior rights, etc.1 Year and 45 sessions later, and with tons...
Presented by Dean D. Exline, PLS – Dean will be presenting on Encroachments on Real Property. So how does the game of soccer correlate to property encroachments...
Charles Pecchio from Kingston Capital Corp. presents on HIRING FOR SUCCESS – Every time you make a hiring decision, you are playing “You Bet Your Company” Topics:...
Aaron R. Smith presenting on additional Legal Descriptions. Aaron Smith brings more than 30 years of experience and will provide additional information to help you...
Michael Knopf – Principal Engineer / Principal Land Surveyor – Special Projects for QK (formerly Quad Knopf) presenting on Expert Witnesses.Dropbox Link for...